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There Are Sequins in the Sand

Evie Foster

When writing this post, I wasn't sure whether I should have this under the Bloom category or the Superhero category but I think it really deserves both because the message is all about living your best life but the lady delivering that message is Anita McLachlan and she operates from the heart with love and care as she spreads her message of #cossieconfidence . Anita is a superhero!

After our first connection, regarding doing some business together, I think we had a mutual feeling of some sort of 'this was meant to be' and kept in contact until the time was right. When Anita reached out to me, last year and asked me to be involved in this amazing campaign, I didn't miss a beat. So, I worked with Anita to bring this all to life. Wow! What an experience it was, in more ways than one. Not only was I the creative director and the project coordinator - I modelled too!

I really did not give it much thought, you know, the part where I would need to show my body to the world. I was just in work mode and busy visioning up a storm and thinking of the amazing women that were doing this with us and of course, producing the best product for my client. It wasn't until the day before I was leaving and thinking maybe I should do a fake tan or shave some hair or pluck an eyebrow or something that I realised what I was about to do.

To be honest, I was the mother who didn't run down the beach or even really want to go to the beach with the kids because I was embarrassed of my body. I was the woman who wouldn't accept invitations to pool parties or any social invitation that might mean I would have to get into swimwear. I was the woman who didn't really want to go swimming with the grandkids for feat of someone judging my body. So, I did what I needed to do! I tanned, shaved, plucked and polished everything to the best of my ability.

On the day, I knew that I had to be brave and confident for some of the other women and show them no fear and that is what I did and that is what we got from them all. Watching all of these amazing women bare their skin and their souls was literally life changing for me. They probably didn't realise it but they helped me. Although I had spent many years preaching about being plus size and loving yourself just the way you are, I didn't really practice what I preached - until this day! Seeing the results of this shoot was quite emotional and I was so proud of not only the whole entire crew but of myself. I stand there before anyone who cares to look with rolls of fat, veins on my legs, cellulite and wrinkles and you know what? I think I looked amazing! I immediately purchased a cool pair of cossies and took my grandies to the beach! I walked along that beach like I owned the damn thing!

The Cossie Confidence movement is growing and we are getting geared up for this year's campaign. Having the confidence, the Cossie Confidence to get into a swimsuit really does matter. It's the difference between existing through summer and living it; really living it.

Helping women to restore their Cossie Confidence so they can make wonderful memories and truly live a fabulous summer goes to the heart and soul of Sequins and Sand. Anita is now searching for 2018 Cossie Confidence Crew Members - The Crew who will help to encourage other women to get in their cossies and not waste another minute of life. You can find out all about it here. Even if being a brand rep is not your thing, follow them on social media or jump on the site for the best customer service you ever had, when buying a swimsuit.

Follow me on @iameviefoster

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